After my post yesterday, I ended up spending a significant amount of time researching video editing software.  Certainly if I am going to start filming activities, projects, and games, I will need a means to efficiently process and edit, and post them for viewing.  Of course, since my website receives practically no traffic, I also don’t have a budget for any of the expensive but more common tools.

As a result, after some digging, I came upon DaVinci Resolve as a strong option.  I also played around a bit with Fusion (from the same company), initially thinking that a post processing component might be necessary (I am envisioning fancy graphic effects for use in an Armada game).  However, I quickly ruled that one out as both way to complex for my ability, and fundamentally just too much overkill for the level I was looking for.

Resolve however is a very capable video and sound editor, for the novice quality I will be needing, and has enough animation options to handle some of the more complex pieces.  I spent a good amount of time reviewing tutorial videos, and even created a couple test projects myself using my iPhone camera.  By the end, although my movie was complete junk in content, I was able to demonstrate at least to myself that it would  be a practical solution.

The good news was this was accomplished using the free-to-use version 12.5.5 of DaVinci Resolve, so no cost involved.  Add in a collection of royalty-free audio files and graphics, and I likely will have a serviceable option for video production.

My other option was to extend my Adobe subscription to include the video editing packages, which would be helpful since I am already semi-familiar with them, but would also add about $20 per month in cost.  Ultimately, I just couldn’t justify that expense at this stage (and level of site traffic).

If anyone is aware of any other alternatives that I should consider, please feel free to comment below with your suggestions.

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