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Additional 3d Printing materials
As I posted yesterday, I am itemizing my various 3d Printing materials, in the hopes others might find them useful, and perhaps generate Amazon associates traffic. If these items are of value to you, please consider using my affiliate link, in order to contribute to the site.
I mentioned I used Gray PLA from Hatchbox for most of my printing. However, I also have a temperature sensitive blue to white PLA from Gizmo Dorks (, which I used to successfully print the large sized skull project for my son. I was hesitant initially – color changing PLA is more expensive, and I honestly was not confident enough that the effect would be worth it, or that my printer could handle it. However, the print turned out beautifully, and the color change is actually pretty good with just basic room temperature versus body heat. Our preference would be a different color combination (perhaps white to red), but from what I could tell, those options do not exist, so blue to white was the best we could do.
For my wife’s requests, I also purchased a spool of TPU, which is flexibly and rubbery once printed and cooled. In her case, she wanted me to make stamps for use with crafting, and specifically asked for a stamp of our local school’s sports mascot. Although the stamp is still in development, it hasn’t quite lived up to her expectations, I used Fire-red TPU from Ninjaflex in a 0.50 Kg spool ( Since TPU is so expensive relative to PLA (twice the cost for half the material), it is fortunate that the stamps are small, and I have plenty of excess. Of note, at least on my printer bed, TPU is a major pain to remove once cooled. I will likely use blue painters tape and perhaps glue-stick in the future, in order to save my existing print surface, since I gouged up the first one pretty badly during my early attempts. As to the material though, it seemed almost indestructible even with stretching and pulling it always went back to the printed shape.