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Star Wars: Armada – the fleets
During our last game, both sides experimented with some new fleet options, to mixed success. Listed here is the compositions we both used, and any notes we found.
Rebel Fleet (399 points) (Fab’s Fleet Generator)
- MC80 Assault Cruiser – Defiance, General Dodonna, Reinforced Blast Doors, Enhanced Armament
- MC80 Star Cruiser – Gunnery Team
- Nebulon-B Support Refit
- Nebulon-B Support Refit
- 2x X-Wing Squadrons
- Rogue Squadron X-Wing
Imperial Fleet (400 pts) (Fab’s Fleet Generator)
- Imperial II-class Star Destroyer – Chimaera, Grand Admiral Thrawn, The Grand Inquisitor, Entrapment Formation, Reinforced Blast Doors, XI7 Turbolasers
- Interdictor Combat Refit – Projection Experts, Grav Shift Reroute
- Raider I-class Corvette – Instigator, Agent Kallus, Ordnance Experts, Quad Laser Turrets, Flechette Torpedoes
- 5x TIE Fighter Squadrons
- Dengar in Punishing One
For the Rebels, my biggest problem was moving the Nebulons up too fast – they are intended to be snipers, but with both sides moving at speed 2, the gap was closed just too fast. Then I had some command challenges, in which I didn’t give them navigate early enough to avoid the collisions. One managed to squeak past, but as it turned to run, was taken out by the Interdictor’s rear and side cannons.
On the good side though, the Gunnery Team more than earned their pay on the MC80, managing several strong volleys against both the Chimaera and the Interdictor. The second MC80, although it started out too far away, was in a good position for several strong broadsides in the final turns of the game, and I believe could have finished off or at least heavily damaged the Chimaera. Although Dodonna was helpful, we just didn’t score enough interior damage to really pay off.
For the Empire, the biggest challenge was really just tracking the various upgrades. My son is fond of upgrades, but tends to get lost in the moment, and forget when or if to activate. Since I dont study his list before hand, I can’t really help him out. As a result, there was a bit of redo during the game, in which half-way thru the turn he remembered a critical option, and we had to reset. That caused some frustration on both sides, so my recommendation was to cut back on the complexity.
The fighter squadrons on the Empire were very strong, between a combination of very accurate shooting and the buff from Dengar. They fairly quickly elimanted most of the X-Wings without any strong resistance. However, without the Bomber attribute, their ability to damage the larger ships was a bit more limited.