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Pathfinder – Rise of the Runelords – Pride
In our latest session, the group wrapped up the Shimmering Veils of Pride, deep in the Runeforge. By the end of the session, they had solved several challenges, including a detailed process to create their Dominating weapons, and had clues as to how to eventually escape Runeforge. In the process, they first had to deal with an invulnerable giant peacock, and a set of 6 clones spell casters, all in the mirrored cathedral.
All of that probably sounds a lot crazier than it actually was. Following the events of the last session, where the group fought their own evil mirror reflections, the group moved a bit more cautiously into the main chamber. There they encountered a giant peacock, apparently the living embodiment of the Peacock Spirit, a deity from ancient Thassilon. The group moved in, initially cautious but focused on the giant bird, which although it was aware of and watching the group, neither moved or otherwise reacted. Hidden within the room however was a set of 6 identical clone wizards, who used the group’s delays to quickly cast a few defensive spells, before launching their combined attacks. Individually, they were not much of a threat, but 6 invisible, mirror-imaged, displaced wizards, throwing coordinated fireballs and scorching rays quickly caused a lot of damage. Several of the group actually fell, though were able to get back up with quick area effect healing, but the cost to the group was extensive. Once they managed to get organized though, they were able to regroup, and start defeating the clones. Surprisingly, this battle turned into more of an endurance fight – the clones actually ran out of offensive spells before the group could dispatch them, at which point it was a rather trivial fight.