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Rise of the Runelords – Mirrors
Our latest session of Pathfinder found the group facing off with the old traditional staple of fighting themselves with mirror doppelgangers. Having wrapped up the Iron Cages of Lust, they opted to stay focused on the mission, and after a rest to recover and heal, they moved on to the Shimmering Veils of Pride. As they moved down the entrance hallway, the walls became progressively more mirrored, until the walls, floor, and ceiling was one reflective surface. As the group rounded a corner, they encountered a pair of identical parties (to their left and right), which emerged from the mirrors to fight the group.
It was obvious from the groups reaction that this was expected – such a trap has been used many times in books and media. The slight twist here was that the group was not only facing themselves, but facing themselves twice over, which made for a very harrowing fight. As each member moved into the intersection, or otherwise interacted with the encounter, their doubles emerged and began to take action. And with a group of 10 players and a sentient cat, it made for a very large and complex combat – many times the creatures using powers or combinations that the players had forgotten about or overlooked.
Fortunately, the group was able to block several of the key images with the use of Walls of Stone, blocking the reflecting and locking out the duplicate Wizards, Druids, and cats, which significantly reduced the area of effect damage. Then thru concentrated firepower, they were able to nuke down the remainder. The groups Barbarian fell in the fight, under the onslaught of the opposed Barbarian, Fighter, and Paladin, and the Druid’s cat fell to a Sorcerer’s Death Touch. Neither is much of a lasting impact though, the Cleric maintains Resurrection and the Druid maintains a Raise Animal Companion spell. A bit more lasting is the loss of the Fighter’s Flameblade, broken at the hilt when he made an early attempt to break the mirrors – only to find that they were magically reinforced.