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Gencon 2018
Had a fun mini-vacation with the family over the weekend, attending Gencon this year. We only went for the Sunday “family day”, mainly to save a bit on cost, but realized after the fact that that may just not be enough time any longer. It used to be that a single day was enough to see everything, now we didn’t even make it thru all of the vendor hall. Admittedly the wife and younger son didn’t have much interest, but the older son and myself were eager. There was just only so much walking and seeing that could be done though before the overload made everything blend together.
Now we are talking about expanding our plans next year, and trying for the full experience. 4 days of Gencon with my son, and the wife and other boy coming up for a day or two on the weekend. Would be a much bigger effort, but it is early enough to plan, without making too much of a commitment.
This year, my focus was on the new revision of X-Wing, which I managed to find (they had way more than I think they ended up needing), and on the new playtest of Pathfinder second edition (available as a free download PDF, or at the convention as a printed book). We even had the opportunity to try a playtest game session, which was a first for me as well (we normally just shop).