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Pathfinder Update – into Xin-Shalast
Although we had a shorter than normal session today (thanks to the combo of a dead car battery delaying the start, and a work related “emergency” causing an early end), the group managed to make their first foray into the lost city of Xin-Shalast. Surprisingly, they opted for a stealth attempt, and between a combination of Silence, Mass Invisibility, and Animal Shapes (form of the rat), they were rather successful. They easily avoided the patrols on the entry walls, and managed to sneak into the main city, where they then moved between buildings, searching for an entrance to the hidden tunnels under the city they were told about.
This stealth also allowed them to bypass the bulk of the giants inhabiting the city, who were both unaware of their presence, and not looking for a group of rats regardless. Moving to the east, and searching the edge of a past volcanic eruption and landslide, they managed to find the entrance they were looking for, hidden in the ruins.
These tunnels, remnants of the old sewer system, ran deep under the ground, and eventually opened into a large chamber. Having separated, only the necromancer, priest, and druid entered the room at first, the rest having stayed at a safe distance several minutes back. Unfortunately, while the group was distracted by an old skeletal figure, the true threat of the room managed to sneak up and grapple the priest, between invisibility and favorable stealth checks. As her will gave into the creatures domination, other vampiric minions emerged to engage the party. Quite unexpectedly however, the druid had thought to memorize a Sunbeam spell, and with a single failed saving thru, the main creature was vaporized. The other vampires quickly fell as well to the powerful sunlight, making the battle rather trivial.
The bigger threat though was found in the remnants of items – the group recovered a Sihedron ring, which the necromancer quickly claimed. A powerful defensive item, it granted the spellcaster some much needed defenses, both AC and resistance (along with some other minor benefits). However, the groups arcane knowledge also revealed that such an item could be a powerful scrying device for the Runelord, and an item with which he could be warned of or know the groups actions. The debate as to the fate of the ring was still in full discussion when we had to wrap up for the evening.
For those that are following, we will be skipping our regular game on November 4, due to a rare visit from my Dad that weekend.