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Kingmaker, Episode 4 – Werewolves and Mites
In our latest episode, the group continued their exploration of the Kamelands, branching further away from Oleg’s Trading Post. With several missions and quests in hand, the group is a bit fragmented, but rapidly getting organized.
As a change for this campaign, I am requiring all the players to track their own gear. In the prior storyline, given their newness to RPGs and the number of players, it was just easier for me to either track the details, and/or gloss over much of the mundane pieces. Now that they are veterans, and partially due to the nature of the Kingmaker campaign, they need to track their own equipment and funds – if it isn’t written down, they don’t have it. Admittedly this is just a taste, the campaign wont last past August (when Pathfinder v2 comes out).
Once we had a bit of tutorial on what and how to track, and how it affects encumberence, the group set about furthering their exploration. They discovered several locations, including the old sycamore tree and the Mite colony living there, but ended up being distracted when they were assaulted by werewolves in the night. Unfortunately, several of the group were bitten, and succumbed to the curse, so now the group has a clock to find a cure. Fortunately, they have a friendly Cleric back at Oleg’s, but the spellcasting would exhaust their minimal funds, unless they can locate the lost temple of Erastil, somewhere in the forests.
Though they did not find the temple as of yet, their quick searching did find future spots of exploration – first locating what appears to be the bandit’s base of operations, and then getting the attention of some mischievious woodland fey. Though they tried to get the fey to show themselves and talk, the “gifts” that were left as a bribe were insufficient.