For something completely different, we nearly added a 3rd dog to our family today. My wife, on the way to drop off the son at school, found a labrador puppy wandering the streets loose. Preventing the inevitable roadside collision, she picked it up and brought it home.

There, our other dogs, Scully (a small terrier mix), and Mulder (our recent Boxer addition), eagerly accepted the new addition to the family. In keeping with the theme I quickly dubbed him “Skinner”, though I was then informed that he was actually a she. Regardless, Skinner had been selected, and would have become permanent had the dog been destined to remain.

However, with social media being what it is these days, it was only a few hours before the real owner was discovered thru Facebook by my wife, who was understandably not eager to add another puppy. By late morning, Skinner was gone, returned to where she had arrived. This afternoon, Mulder and Scully continue to investigate the strange occurrence and mystery of where the new dog has gone too. The truth is out there.

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