Been having some email discussions with my long term gaming friends, and entertaining the idea of starting up a second bi-weekly schedule. Still very preliminary, and no idea of who or what, but been brainstorming various options. Listed in no particular order is some ideas I have:

  • Warhammer Fantasy setting with GURPs mechanics (aka, GURPs Warhammer) – we tried this out during an earlier experiment, and the two systems meshed very well.  Ended up dropping due to scheduling, but the interest was certainly there.  I really like the setting, but the various versions of the official game always felt lacking to me.
  • Pathmaster, our heavily customized Rolemaster equivalent, either in a Pathfinder, Warhammer, or other type setting could be interesting.  Would need to dust off the rules and perhaps makes some tweaks, but I think the latest writing was pretty reasonable.
  • Shadowrun 5th edition I have always enjoyed, and can be workable with a mix of experienced and novice players.  One concern though is a streamlined 6th edition is being released in August, and the need to convert any existing storyline.
  • Superheroes with Hero System, Modern, Future, or Fantasy setting – I always like superheroes 🙂
  • Pathfinder – Always an option, though low on my priority list.  I am using this for my other group as a temporary filler (Kingmaker campaign) after completing the Rise of the Runelords, but once Pathfinder 2 comes out in August, we will be starting fresh.  Any other campaign I would want to convert, which would be problematic for an ongoing campaign

Have not yet determined the actual schedule (tentatively every other Saturday, alternating with our ongoing Pathfinder game), or the players (or even if I will be GM’ing the game). More details as they are decided, with an eye to potentially start in June.

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