Thanks to recent holidays and major events, we have adjusted our gaming schedule somewhat. We are still continuing the Kingmaker campaign, though with the current count we have 6 available games until the August Gencon, where we will likely be switching to the Age of Ashes campaign using second edition Pathfinder

Currently, we are alternating weekends, and playing on 5/19 and 6/2, then back to the regular bi-weekly schedule on 6/9. In between, I have the wife’s birthday and Memorial day, but I am hoping to squeeze in some alternate games, perhaps Zombicide or X-Wing

Although entertaining the idea of a second bi-weekly game on the off weekends, though historically that has been problematic. An old friend has returned to the gaming life, and has interest – I just don’t know if I will have the schedule to maintain or participate in a second storyline.

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