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Warcraft Classic
It has been many years since we have routinely played Warcraft, but the recent launch of Warcraft Classic managed to call us back. The “new” version is from the 2004 era – no heirloom gear for fast leveling, minimal quality of life improvements, and relatively high death rate. But it is fun, at least for now.
Even better, the kids are now at the age to be able to play and hopefully appreciate it – we stopped playing after they got old enough that free time was too limited. Now we can play as a family, with a pre-made group for most events.
Not sure how long the interest will remain – it is still old ground that we are re-treading, and there are plenty of other distractions. I expect as the interest in the relaunch starts to fade, our ability to find free time will similarly start to fade.
For the time being though, you can find us on the Pagle PvE server, playing as either a revived version of my Hunter, Jjenn, or my Warlock, Snivel.