Going to try out a different format for our video sessions for the gaming – the level of engagement on each one is almost non-existent. Honestly, I didn’t expect anything else – it is a long dry session of watching other people play a game. But after some prompting, it was suggested that one issue is the length of each video. Perhaps if I break the 2 hours into multiple 15-20 videos, it will be slightly more appealing.

Not sure I expect any drastic difference, but it is easy enough to separate into multiple parts. This of course changes my numbering system, but would allow for a much more frequent posting schedule.

I intend to still post the full length videos as well, likely at the end of each sequence, and continue to make them available early for anyone who contribues on Patreon. For now though, I am just curious about how much or if there will be any impact, and how much extra effort it will involve.

The new format will start with episode 9, planned for 12/27.

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