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Fall of Plaguestone update
In our second ongoing group, we are continuing the Fall of Plaguestone adventure, as an introduction and teaching opportunity for the new players. This has been running now for several sessions, though I am not documenting it at the level of our Age of Ashes campaign.
Admittedly, most of the adventure started slow – between a combination of inexperience with the game, and several players with no RPG experience at all (and a few younger players) – they spent an excessive amount of time on the initial mystery and investigation.
However, now that those pieces are completed, and they have an actual villain to track down, they are starting to move faster. Current timeline looks to wrap up this particular story in the next couple of sessions, which would line up will with the start of the long term campaign, Extinction Curse.
Overall, I would say the group has adapted to the game fairly well – though we are having some challenges balancing character concept with play style. There are warrior-types who don’t want to get into combat, and spellcasters who can’t seem to avoid it. But this is all natural for what I have seen with new players.