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Octolapse corrections
With the new 3d printer, I have been trying (unsuccessfully) to generate routine print timelapses, using Octolapse. I managed to create one or two, but the large majority were suffering from mysterious layer shift issues. Although the print would complete, depending on the model it frequently was unusable – and the timelapse was certainly ugly.
In comparison, if I ran the print without using Octolapse, it would run just fine without issues (barring unrelated problems like power outages). I did not really work with Octoprint’s built in timelapse option, since I far prefer Octolapse’s customization options.
Recently however, I seem to hit upon the solution. While browsing numerous forums, I found some indications that the DisplayLayerProgress plugin for Octoprint causes conflicts with Octolapse, and frequently causes random layer shifts. Not really sure how or why, but I was using that plugin for layer progress details, and as a pre-requisite for the Dashboard plugin (allowing me to monitor the printer details better).
After a bit of modification, I disabled both plugins, and re-ran some sample prints with Octolapse – both ran without issue now. As a final test, I re-ran my current choice for Tree terrain ( (which had shifted numerous times previously), and it was also successful.
Hopefully the issue doesn’t return, but for now I am hopeful that it was simple a plugin conflict causing the problem.