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Plaguestone has fallen
For our second campaign group, we have been running thru the Fall of Plaguestone adventure, as an introduction to the Pathfinder 2e ruleset and basic training for the group. Most of the group is new to RPGs, and everyone is new to 2nd edition.
For the most part, the adventure has gone well – the group has learned their roles, and adjusted to the story. Of course, there are challenges here and there – the dynamics of the group were rather rough to start with – but the group in general succeeded.
Unfortunately, during the 3rd major scene of the storyline – where the group is exploring the growth of mutations and plagues in the wilderness, and assaulting an orc alchemy lab – we ran into difficulties. The conclusion of the scene is where the group encounters the lead alchemist, along with his construct, an ooze animated and given life by chemicals and the blood of his victims. The challenge however is rather poorly balanced – it assumes that the group will ignore the orc alchemist, and focus on the ooze. If so, it makes the encounter highly dangerous and challenging – but possible. If not – it makes a severe challenge effectively impossible.
The group fought valiantly, but due to some false assumptions, some bad rolling, and overly powerful foes, ultimately fell victim to the alchemy. The blood ooze by itself was able to one-strike several of the group, and downed the group’s cleric nearly immediately. Even with GM assistance to provide extra healing before the combat, along with handicapping the ooze and orc alchemist significantly – the group simply could not survive. In concept, I could have simplified or handicapped the combat even more – but at a certain point the challenge ceases to be, which isn’t really the goal of an adventure.
In concept, one or two were able to flee, while the rest either died or where made captive. But in reality, we opted to kill this short campaign, rather than fight on. At this point, the adventure had served its purpose – educate and train the players on 2nd Edition Pathfinder – and everyone is eager to start a longer term storyline with the Extinction Curse storyline.