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Warhammer FRP
Planning on our first true session this coming Friday for our new Warhammer FRP game, and strongly leaning towards a live, in-person game again. It has been many months since we played any game face to face, and although the ongoing pandemic is still a big concern in the United States, it feels like time to get back to “normal”. For this group, it is significantly smaller than our other sessions, so could be more manageable.
Of course, this will be dependent on a lot of factors – not the least of which will be player willingness, and my wife’s acceptance. If we can, it would bypass the challenges of online gaming and virtual tabletops, and allow for a much more traditional environment. It would also definitively help focus all the players on the game itself. And this would allow for me to finally start using our dedicated gaming space for its intended purpose.
As a side note, it would also allow me to start developing video content again, though I expect that will have devolved a bit from my last efforts.