If you have been watching our Carrion Crown live stream, you may have seen Francisco, our pre-release Gunslinger character. In our prior campaigns, the player was always very eager for black powder weapons, asking when or if they would be permitted. With our recent game, with some negotiation, I allowed the player to use the playtest version of the Gunslinger, making them rather excited. Although Francisco was a bit over-eager during the first session (causing a bit of chaos after murdering a villager), so far the mechanics have been pretty well balanced.

One of the caveats has been that the character would need to be revised once the official rules are released – a situation which is now happening in the next few weeks with Paizo’s Guns and Gears rulebook. It will likely be a short time after before the character software is updated, but this gives a chance to make the character actually official (though not expecting any major changes).

One adjustment that the player has been encountering is really just a matter of gear choice – they selected the short range AOE shotgun rather than the long range rifle. This has turned out to be rather limiting, since the group is fairly large. Far too frequently the group is simply in the way, preventing the attacks from being that efficient.

For our specific gaming group, I am hoping to have the new PDF available during our next gaming session on October 3.

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