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Warfare Wednesdays
With my local group, I have started a series of games on Wednesday, which I am titling as Warfare Wednesdays. These are intended to be exclusively wargames – Legion, Armada, X-Wing, or similar games, able to be played with a small group and not take up multiple sessions. Last week, we played a 400 pt game of Armada, this week will be Star Wars Legion.
The first game with Armada saw my Rebel fleet facing off against Thad’s Imperial fleet. Despite his lack of experience, he managed to pull out a victory as the Rebels deployed poorly, and sacrificed a Nebulon-B to the Star Destroyers. Ultimately, I tried to get too fancy and overly focused on the victory points, and the Empire simply moved away from my bigger ships. Definitely not the most spectacular of battles, but certainly a valid choice. +1 point to Thad.
Tomorrow we will meet again, with my Separatist Droid army vs his newly designed Republic Clone army (designed by my son). The clones are taking advantage of the new Anakin piece, along with an AT-RT and Clone TX-130 Saber-class tank, to bulk up a minimal count of clone troops. My droids are my prior mix, favoring a swarm of B1s lead by Grievous. Looking at the details, I expect I will have the objective claiming advantage, but likely will be sliced to pieces with the Clone beam weapons and heavy armor.
Look for future battle reports and updates, though I doubt I will get to the point of filming the games – mainly because I just want to actually play 🙂