Not planning on a Wednesday Warfare game this week, due to a conflict with our Eagle project efforts. We finally have funding and supplies, and the project has now been tackling the tasks item by item. Over the weekend, we chopped up the panels into the various parts, the next step is for the volunteers to do the painting and cut the pockets for the pocket screws. Painting will be a two-day effort, due to a lack of space and the amount of time needed for drying. Paint one day, let it dry, then paint the second side. At the same time, we need to have the team cut out a number of slots for the pocket holes, for the step of assembly.

Once these steps are done, then we can do assembly, caulking, and another pass of paint. That should finish up the majority of the boxes, except for the front panels and doors. Those will be a separate effort, once the large boxes are together, in order to match up sizes, and then cut the plexiglass panels to fit.

We are somewhat handicapped in that any power tools need to be used by adults, and most of the volunteer team are George’s friends. Not really an issue, and with a group, it probably is better anyway – it would be challenging for a group to safely use table saws without clear supervision. But it has been a good teaching experience for George directly, since he can assist as we work the various steps.

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