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Continuing the paint
Second stage of painting, continuing my units of Rebel Troopers and Veterans. I also tackled Jyn Erso and an R5 astromech droid, all necessary for my current skirmish force. In the process, I discovered that one unit I thought I had, I actually did not – the Rebel Commandos were apparently hiding better than I thought.
For this pass, most of the figures received the skin tone, plus highlights for under shirts, along with some touch ups. Mainly for ease during the game, I separated from the color scheme to highlight the helmets per unit color, with units with red, green and blue. With these details, along with a basic black on the base, the figures are just about done, and the overall look is coming together.
The final stage is to finish the bases with some basic technical paint, along with some final touch ups (I continue to find spots which were missed on the first pass).
Then I can move on to the A-A5 speeder truck, the Rebel Pathfinders, and hopefully acquire a box of Commandos.
As before, I have been streaming the effort on Twitch, though mid-stream my camera software apparently expired. Now searching for an alternative, or potentially just to change over my approach entirely.