A couple days late, but still valid, as we welcome in the new year of 2022. Haven’t been posting much over the last couple of weeks mainly due to the holiday season, and a still busy work schedule.

This last year was an interesting one, most of my content has become easier to produce and hopefully slightly better quality. I can’t say that the audience has grown a lot, but even the couple of additional subscribers or visitors is still significant against the small starting size.

At this point, I am continuing to stream our gaming efforts, for both Pathfinder 2e games (every Sunday at 2 PM EST). We are also playing semi-regular Legion or Armada games, though those have similarly paused for the holidays. The collection continues to grow with multiple new models, and of course the paint backlog grows at the same time.

Wood-working projects are stalled, mainly due to the weather. It has been of course cold, but also very wet and rainy in this region for what seems like a long time, which has slowed the couple of projects that we are working on. Most notable is the son’s Eagle project, we have the cabinets together, but need to finish the doors, trim and painting before calling them complete. I did manage to fabricate a board game table (actually just the table top), which was used in our recent Twilight Imperium tournament to great effect.

So far, with vaccinations and caution, the entire family has managed to avoid the dreaded Covid, though I realize it is more a matter of when rather than if. In general though, the last year or two have been ones with the least amount of general illness for us, likely due to the masks and separation.

For the new year, I am focused on continuous improvement – many projects in the pipeline and more than a few not even considered yet. The Legion set will expand significantly once all the new models are assembled, and I am continuing to iterate on the streaming configuration and automation. Looking forward to hopefully some more audience participation and continuing to grow the projects over time.

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