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The final figure I was able to show off for the group is the Erinyes, an extradimensional devil which flys thru the air, shooting flaming arrows at its victims. This creature assaulted the group unexpectedly while they attempted to flee from the rust monsters, over an unsteady rope bridge. Unfortunately, it caught the Champion and Bard alone initially, and very nearly killed both before the group moved to support. At this point, the fight is ongoing, though the rest of the group rather conveniently grouped up, allowing it to send a large volley of arrows into the soft armor of the spell casters. The Cleric is down, the rest are heavily wounded, and the group is rather scattered.
The particular model I haven’t had the chance to paint yet (I was focused on several others), but I did end up rather happy with the flight stand options. The base is a basic base, printed in filament, then I used a couple of extra X-Wing flight stand poles to creature the height. This allows the figure to still disassemble, while also flying in use.
The figure is another excellent model by mz4250 on Thingiverse (, printed again in resin. I have been using 0.05mm layer heights, and the detail on the figure is impressive – the arrow is barely thicker than a string, but very solid and all the wing details are clear, even after a primer.
I do have a few additional surprises, but they will need to wait until after our next couple of sessions to be revealed.