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Ice Golem
A second creature a painted up for our Carrion Crown campaign is this Ice Golem, originally intended for far different purposes. The group has been complaining recently about my lack of large-size creatures, so this was a good time for such an oversized beast. This was a bit of a departure from the story as written – given our overly large group size, I have a bit of leeway with the creatures at times, and opted for an oversized, elite version of the creature as described – thus the large stature.
This is a model by the well known mz4250 on Thingiverse (, printed in resin. I painted it first in a light blue contrast paint, followed by two heavy drybrushes of light blue and white. The creature itself was a challenge for the group, but mainly due to the groups reluctance to close the distance. In our case, it was fighting the group with most of the group on a bridge so few wanted to get close, and risk being pushed off the edge.
And our group has a tendency to be overly scared whenever I pull out a pre-painted situation appropriate figure, which adds to the intimidation factor.