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Star Wars X-Wing battle report
In celebration of Star Wars Day, I managed to play another round of X-Wing, this time with just my son. He was flying a revised Scum list, while I had a revised Rebel squadron. Although we understood the game and it progressed much faster, the game only lasted 7 turns until my entire fleet was destroyed, leaving me with a single X-wing with only a single hull point.
Video evidence of the slaughter is now up on YouTube, and we did stream it live on Twitch. This may turn into a routine Wednesday activity, though still too early to be sure – we have competing interests with our Warhammer FRP campaign wanting to be restarted.
For my part, the battle started off badly, when my ace Wedge Antilles was taken out on round one before being able to do any damage at all. From there, the battle just slowly slid into pain, as the Scum forces picked off one ship after another. My real star was one of my A-Wings, which managed to slip and slide thru much of the enemy forces, and avoid damage, but simply didn’t have enough punch to make a fast difference. Ultimately, it came down to poor tactics, unfavorable dice, and my son having a better combination that lost the game for me. But it was fun to play, and I believe I improved my skills at least a little bit.
Star Wars X-Wing: Meeting Engagement Battle Report (YouTube)
Twitch Channel (for future live streams)
Side note – I had previously posted our recent “Training mission” as a 4v4 battle report. Obviously, I can’t count, since we only had 4 players (not the 8 it would imply) – it should have been listed as a 2v2 battle (graphics and titles have been updated).