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Enemy Within Chapter 1

The latest episode of our Warhammer FRP campaign, the Enemy Within was posted this morning. This continues and just about wraps up the events of Chapter 1, with the events in Bogenhafen rising to its chaotic conclusion. The group is racing thru the city, multiple plots are coming to a close, and the villains are being revealed.
This particular session was unusual, we ended up starting late, and running later than normal, but had to cut the storyline off right as events became even more crazy. The group is fighting a secret cult and taking a lot of damage as weapons clatter and spells flash in the dark.
After the session, we started to realize many of our interpretation errors in the rule set – predominantly around combat mechanics. I will make some adjustments, but not until after this conclusion, to not unbalance the events.
Separately, I am realizing that the tracking of foes is very much challenging in Warhammer. Between the combination of hit locations, armor values, and multiple conditions being tracked each round, it is very difficult to keep it all straight. I will likely pull together some sort of reference sheet format, which hopefully will streamline the tracking quite a bit better.