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Game Session Props

An idea I have been toying with for some time has been the option to raffle away some of the miscellaneous props and figures from our gaming sessions. We also have ideas for more, and there is only so much storage space, so rather than having them gather dust, perhaps someone else can benefit.
The concept would be fairly basic, like or subscribe to a particular video, and a random commentor wins the prize. Of course, with a small audience, that isn’t much of a factor – so it would currently be the first to comment in a video might win by default. But it may encourage some slight increase in audience retention.
The first such model I am looking to give away is the Promethean, from our latest Carrion Crown campaign session. It is oversized, and rather specific to this particular storyline, but others may very well like to have it.
Look for details with the next Carrion Crown session, scheduled for this weekend, if you have any interest.