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The Dare

A bit of a revision to our planned Call of Cthulhu one-shot. Originally planned as two separate sessions repeating the story for two groups, it is now intended as a single session, potentially running two days. This is a result fundamentally of the number of players interested and available, and the focus of the game itself. Not all the players are up for or interested in a suspense game or have the availability.
In preparation for the standard streaming format, I have been working on the graphics layout, audio materials, and programming maps and icons in Foundry. Thus far, it is coming together. My next focus is on room decorations and lighting effects, not sure how far I can get with those, but giving it a bit of a try.
Game session time is set for 2 PM EST on June 18. Likely will have a bit of summary of the game rules and mechanics, then live streaming. Story will continue until all players are lost, or they have survived the encounters – if necessary, we have the following day reserved for a follow-up.