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Battle of Hoth

I have gotten it in my head to craft a modular terrain board for Star Wars Legion (and potentially other games) and have settled on a rolling hillside based on Hoth terrain. To this end, I have been studying various YouTube options, and have acquired a bit of foam and supplies.
The design is to have a set of 18″ square tiles, each decorated with terrain and ground cover, that can then be positioned in any location or facing to vary up the board. One set will be tall mountains or hills, a large set of flat-ish terrain, and an icy river and lake area. The lower the elevation, the more ice and snow, and higher elevations would be rockier or desert like.

To that end, I sliced up a large 4×8 sheet of 2″ XPS foam into about 10 or so tiles, with plenty of off-cuts. These I drew on lightly to lay out the various pieces, and then as time permits, I have been slicing and gluing the various components together. Once the rough shape is done, I have some homemade model compound materials to fill the gaps and smooth out various sections.
No telling how long the project will end up taking, I only have a bit of time in the evenings generally to work on it, but it should make the Legion games much more interesting – and at least more thematic. I will post additional pictures as the project moves along.