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Droid Progress

Updating on my 3d-printed life-size B1 Battle droid, which is slowly taking shape. I have completed the head, and most of the torso, after several days of printing. All the parts go together remarkable well, and ample use of super-glue is holding strong.
I am currently working on finishing up his blaster rifle, which can then be assembled and displayed independently, while the rest is finished. I have also ordered bolts and screws for more permanent assembly (the neck is just dry fit right now, which is why it’s at a weird angle). Then I need to acquire some steel piping for the legs and hips, while those pieces print.
The Prusa i3MK3s is working great right now, chewing rapidly thru the filament. With my new surface treatment process, warping is a thing of the past and all the parts are coming out near perfect. I did have a slight disruption with a power outage which killed one print (I use Octoprint instead of the onboard SD card), but it was early in the process, so I didn’t lose much. Although the models are for “small printers”, I do have to rotate them somewhat to fit the bed, which results in more support than desired. However, the support settings are rather well tuned, and they normally peel off without much difficulty.
Currently timing I am estimating at another 2-3 weeks for printing, then a week or so for painting and details