In the interest of consolidating my ongoing activities, I am planning to discontinue the live streams of our RPG sessions. We will still be gaming, that isnt going anywhere, but the audience has simple never materialized. For a time, we tried Twitch, and then we moved to YouTube live, but the end result was a best we only had a single viewer, and even then, only for a short duration. The extra effort involved is simply not worth the minimal gains.

As such, I will be moving over to an almost exclusive published schedule instead. Most of the time, that means a Warhammer FRP game, a Pathfinder 2e game, and a Star Wars Legion game, posted weekly. That may eventually change, but for now, that is simple enough to maintain.

Certainly, there will be the occasional live stream – especially if we do another one-shot for Call of Cthulhu, and certainly for our annual New Year’s Eve Twilight Imperium game. But they will be much less intrusive.

If the audience eventually grows, and there is actual interest, I have no problem with the live stream format – it works well and is reliable. It just doesn’t justify the effort at this time.

If you are that rare viewer who can’t live without your week live stream from our group, leave a comment below and let me know. Even a single regular viewer is worth the effort.

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