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Subscriber update
The slow march of subscriber growth continues on, and I am happy to say that due to our recent Legion content, the channel is starting to grow more rapidly. On average, we have added 1-2 followers per day, which isn’t quite viral, but certainly very encouraging. We are even rapidly approaching my first personal milestone, with 100 subscribers – tentatively this weekend.
Of course, 100 subscribers is not a big number these days, with channels pulling in thousands or millions of followers. But for a small gaming group channel, and a one-man production team, it isn’t too bad. For reference, I started the channel way back in November of 2015, with very primitive efforts. A few timelapse videos from 3d printing, an intro video or two from different RPG campaigns, and not much else. All very simple in terms of production quality. But since then, I have learned a lot, streamlined my processes, and slowly improved.
I was trying to think of some sort of celebration for 100 subscribers, and honestly can’t think of much. I would re-enable the Patreon site, but that feels rather self-serving. I could open up our Discord server, but not sure how I would handle that. I would do a give-away, but that feels premature until YouTube considers the channel “real” at 1000 subscribers and activates monetization. Ultimately, I think I will end up just with balloons and fireworks as a graphic 🙂
Regardless, after 7 years, finally reaching up to 100 subscribers, I am hopefully that it won’t be another 7 years to the next milestone. We have plenty of incoming content, including more battle reports every Friday, and the continuing RPG storylines during the rest of the week. I am also looking into some Armada and potentially X-Wing, to fill in the gaps between Legion.