Effective last Friday, I have disabled by Twitter integration and disabled the overall accounts. In truth, Twitter has just not really ever been much of a thing for me. The site account has a sum-total of 10 followers, most of which are organizations not related to my subject matter, and i have never had any real interaction with or thru the tool. For the users I do follow, I rarely even look at the feed. I find Twitter to be either way too random with ads and streams, or completely irrelevant to the information I am trying to see. The stated goal of “real-time communication” I just can’t seem to figure out, and don’t have the time to watch constantly to make it worthwhile.

My other social media is intact, though I may look to clear some of those out as well. In particular, I have been considering dropping Facebook entirely, for similar reasons – the feed is filled with endless advertising and very little of the personal updates from the people or groups I am actually interested in.

YouTube, WordPress, and Discord remain my tools of choice, with the rare Instagram posting.

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