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Channel Restructure
Over the last week or two, I spent some time restructuring my YouTube channels, mainly consolidating them due to content. I had previously broken out each RPG system into its own channel – that was a bit overly idealistic. As we change to different games, I keep having to add additional channels, which isn’t practical. Instead, I am now organized by type of game – Tabletop strategy vs Roleplaying games – and I am only managing two channels. Legion content of course makes up the bulk of the Tabletop section, and is still doing strong, while all the various RPG campaigns (Pathfinder, Warhammer FRP, Call of Cthulhu) make up the Roleplay content.
This provides for some future plans – mainly the swap in gaming systems. As the Pathfinder campaigns are starting to get close to concluding, we are looking at the next campaign subjects. Currently, the intent is Hero System with a Superhero themed storyline (and much smaller groups). The Warhammer storyline will continue for quite some time still, at least in terms of content. But the Pathfinder content will likely take a break for a bit, before we no doubt restart a new campaign (once the current one conclude).
This also gives me a structure to do some different video content – namely the ability to do some GM advice and discussion type videos. I have been pondering exactly what form that would take, but I am looking at doing a GM tutorial structure. Basically, given how existing GMs are fewer and fewer these days, what steps would a prospective new gamesmaster need to take, to learn, adapt, and manage their own game? What lessons have I learned in my many years, that would be of use to others? Hopefully this will give some help to at least a few people, and help to generate more creativity and content. And if nothing else, gives me more ways to ramble on to a camera.