You may have noticed a drop off in content recently, which seems to be an annual occurrence. Each fall, around October and November, life becomes rather busy with sports, band, and other family activities, and our ability to schedule gaming sessions drops off.

I have also taken on some new roles with work, which are absorbing much of my free time.

In particular, our Legion game schedule has taken the largest hit, since this requires coordination with multiple groups. Fortunately, the Extinction Curse storyline is completed, and the Carrion Crown is managing to continue thus far, but our Warhammer game has been disrupted a couple of times.

Typically, this all clears itself out either mid-December or early January.

Rest assured the drive is still there, more content will be coming. We have the conclusion of the Legion tournament, and a return to more typical matches. Carrion Crown is looking to wrap up in the next couple of months, and Warhammer still has high interest levels. In addition, we are launching a new campaign in the next few weeks as a replacement for Extinction Curse – this time leaving Pathfinder behind to head to the stars with a custom blend of Traveller and Shadowrun for the Horizon campaign.

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