Legion episodes

Star Wars Legion, Episode 069

With the websites now stable again after all the updates, I have been able to refocus in our on our ongoing Legion content. After the conclusion of our house tournament, we switched over to a slightly different format, and started live streaming our battles. Participation has been reasonable, though low, which is to be expected, but the new format also changes the editing process. It also sets a specific time frame for the releases, since we have a steady flow of new games being recorded.

Right now, for any given battle report, we play on week 1, and then publish week 2, for public consumption on week 3. That gives me about 1 week to process and edit the footage in order to stay on schedule, and have the material ready in time for the various release formats. With the simplified recording format, it is faster to edit, making this possible. Functionally, most of the editing is done during the live stream itself, and then I edit the live stream recording to trim out the excess, add some graphics, and apply better audio. So half the work is already done by the time editing starts.

As a side benefit, the new camera layouts help to be less intrusive to the game itself, something that seems like it would move the game faster, but actually seems to give everyone more time to think and slows the game. Still figuring out options for this, a 2-3 hour game would be ideal, rather than the current 5-6 hour marathons.

Further evolutions are coming, I am looking at adding a couple more camera angles to make the unit movements quite a bit clearer, but the general layout and format is coming together nicely.

The latest iteration can be seen in Battle Report 069, publishing this Sunday for Patreon supporters, or next week Friday for everyone else. The Geonosian Separatists take on Krennic and the Empire.

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