The second episode of my new Viewport series (part of ) is posted now, and I am rather enjoying this series. I can certainly see the attraction for many youtubers as far as content – the production cycle is far faster/easier than much of the other formats. I collect notes and comments thru the week, record a session over 30 minutes to an hour, followup with a short editing session and publish. All contained within a single evening, making it much easier to fit into the schedule and maintain a routine.

For me, this gives an opportunity to catalog and journal my thoughts, a practice I have tried to embrace a few times thru life. I have tried several different options, physical journals, electronic notes, etc – none really held up. Either I lost interest, didn’t care for the format, or just wasn’t able to maintain a set schedule. The video format however works much better and is helpful by setting a fixed schedule and deadline pushing me to the task.

The format will no doubt continue to evolve, it feels rather basic and random at this time, but it is nice to have a basic brain-dump thought process. I was initially concerned I would not have much to talk about weekly, but thus far my list seems to build itself – I do tend to be rather busy with lots of different projects going at any given time.

The obvious question is the effect on my other content – there is no plan to reduce or change the other content. Functionally, the Viewport is simple and quick to produce, so it isn’t another time sink, so there isn’t a reason to reduce the other content. And most of the RPG content is a straight publish, these are generally unedited videos, so very short production times. My Legion content does take quite a bit of time to edit, but that is also much more worth it given the audience attention.

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