Star Wars Legion – Empire Range Troopers

New unit deployment, acquired and painted on schedule. The Imperial Range Troopers enter the field with long-range firepower and armored defense.

I was concerned on the timing for the build and painting, but the Range Troopers ended up being pretty straightforward – they are really only two primary colors, plus some additional adjusments, as listed below for my recipe:

  • Build and assemble as normal
  • Spray prime with Citadel Wraithbone
  • Apply Citadel Contrast Apothecary White to the boots, armor, helmet, gloves and weapons
  • Apply Army Painter Soft Shade wash to the jackets and pouches
  • Apply Citadel Contrast Black Templar to the two Heavy Weapons
  • Full coverage of Citadel Nuln Oil to emphasize the shadows and lines
  • Detail of Neon Red on the chest lights
  • Base and complete

Overall, I would say I spent about 4 hours, but really only due to the number of models, and needing to wait for the layers to dry. Very straightforward and simple – the assembly was really the hardest part given the number of separate pieces. End result met my goal of replicating the box art pretty well.

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