Star Wars Legion – Republic Clone Commandos

New unit deployment, acquired and painted on schedule. The Republic Clone Commandos are deployed, ready for close range suppression and engagement.

Similar to the Range Troopers, the Clone Commandos ended up being pretty straightforward – they are really only two primary colors, plus some additional adjustments, as listed below for my recipe:

  • Build and assemble as normal
  • Spray prime with Citadel Wraithbone
  • Apply Citadel Contrast Black Legion to the internal body suit (joints, hands, etc)
  • Apply Citadel Contrast Black Templar to the weapons
  • Apply Citadel Contrast (Frostheart) to the helmet visor viewports
  • Apply Army Painter Matt White to the armor, to clean up any over paint from the Black Legion and Frostheart
  • Full coverage of Citadel Nuln Oil to emphasize the shadows and lines
  • Using Army Painter Matt White, apply a light drybrush to all raised edges of the armor and helmet, to re-brighten the armor
  • Base and complete

Overall, I would say I spent about 4 hours, mainly in considering and debating on the approach for white armor, and then to try to be careful on the drybrushing. I ended up second guessing myself after the layer of Nuln Oil – the armor looked very dingy and grey at that point, and I was afraid I needed to start over. Fortunately, the drybrushing brought the white back, and left the dark lines, so it worked out and I am very happy with the results. Very straightforward and simple in the final process. With the camera, I can see a couple of errors here and there but with our normal distance, they look great on the field.

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