Tabletop Tube – a Viewport

Working on expanding the channel material with what the wife has dubbed “tabletop tube”, but in my mind is really just a video blog. Ideally, it is a lively conversation about our activities, both past, present and future, and perhaps some advice and stories. More than likely, I suspect it will be a ramble, at least until I get used to the format and have confidence with talking to a camera.

To this end, you will see a new logo start to show up on my content, and the hashtag start to be used. Perhaps we can start a movement, perhaps I will lose interest. But it gives me another challenge to take on.

The concept is mirrored after “flosstube”, which the wife is very fond of, and involves crafty stitchers talking about the current projects and efforts. Not my sort of thing (not into the stitching and needlework), but the format has potential. And hopefully it is a simple enough format to edit and process to make it worthwhile.

This will be showing up on the Roleplay side of the channel (Halfling13 Roleplay), since it is more general content, but will cover most of my various hobby efforts.

My “studio” is set up (lots of lights), and I have my initial thoughts – hopefully I can beat this cold down and record my first session this weekend.

If you run similar channels or content, feel free to join me and join the hash tag. You are welcome to copy and use the logo as well, to form the community, this is by no means any sort of formal business venture.

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