New Product Lines

With the new laser, I am looking into alternate product lines. I have revised and renewed a couple older projects, but I am looking at several designs for drink coasters as an expansion. I have always been entertained by various designs, typically meme-inspired. And with a faster and more capable laser, I am having a bit of fun creating a few options.

In particular, I am looking at very basic cork coasters, and a bit more high-end slate coasters. Admittedly the market is saturated with both (so lots of competition), but there is also an infinite number of designs and customization. If these sell, wonderful, if not, then it is a small investment and can still be given out as gifts or giveaways.

I started off with the very basic H13 logo, that was a very simple creation. From there, my ideas drifted towards Star Wars, which I have several designs. However, some concerns over Disney and legal rights likely will hold those off – even if the artwork is AI-generated and the text is not a direct quote. I am still debating if I will continue with those or not. Instead, my current focus is gaming related, especially for our various Roleplay activities.

Lots of designs in the works, and this format is simple enough to burn on demand, so the investment in material and time is minimal and I can scale as needed. Also willing to entertain custom requests, if only for additional ideas – as long as it doesn’t drift into copyright material.

First designs will be up on the Etsy shop likely later this week, once I run a few test pieces.

Halfling13 Etsy

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