Managed to get in a couple of games on Sunday, processing now for the battle reports hopefully by Friday.

First up was a rematch of my Rebel forces with Ben’s Empire force, revised to version 3 for the units. He dropped the Dark Troopers, and opted for a fully loaded AT-ST, which was a serious threat to the swarms of Rebel Troopers. Ben’s tactics are definitely improving, he spotted several combos and options I have entirely overlooked. I won’t spoil the results, but the battle was a solid effort on both sides.

We also managed to finally play our first match of Bolt Action, with George and myself. Using our starter set, we were able to field a small force of British and German soldiers, both with an armored car. I think the build was correct, though I am not entirely sure if it was a legal combo for the armored car, since we are both very new to the game and very limited on unit options. The game itself runs well, and feels fast – compared to Legion there are very few keywords to reference and cross-check, and dice mechanics are straightforward. We made many mistakes, in particular with Pinning and its effects, and we made a lot of Legion-based assumptions that don’t apply in Bolt Action (such as split fire from a unit isn’t a thing). Overall we found the game was solid, and the infantry (for us) were surprisingly durable. We likely had too much cover and terrain, and definitely had other errors. The Germans ended up with the victory, but I would say both sides were rather evenly matched.

Both battle reports are being processed, though the Legion one is our priority. Bolt Action will take longer, since I don’t have a video template yet, but I am eager to add this to our mix.

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