Wargame content update

Regular followers may have noticed a significant drop off in the amount of wargaming content I have been posting, especially in the Legion arena. This is not due to a lack of interest – I have lots of models, terrain, and motivation. Unfortunately however, all these games require at least one other player, and availability has been very limited recently. Life tends to get in the way of a regular schedule.

To that end, I will refer you to our published calendar – I post any scheduled games and events. This is mainly for our group’s awareness (it links into our discord), but it can be helpful for viewers to see upcoming content as well.

As always, if you happen to be in the area of Dayton, Ohio, drop us a note, and join us for a game.

In addition, at least until football season with my son starts again, I have posted a weekly “wargame night” on Fridays, to try to carve out routine time for the games in everyone’s schedule. No telling which game we will play, and likely quite a few attempts will be canceled, but we are trying.

Some of this is also rules based with the games – especially Star Wars Legion. Since the 2.6 ruleset, the changes have really felt like a step back and away from the fun. We never really felt that the prior mission parameters where bad or unbalanced – at least we never got competitive enough to see that. But the new rules have introduced that problem – even when we play, the battle is almost always decided by turn 3. That isn’t fun for at least one of the players, who put a lot of time trying to find a solid combination and then can’t be competitive. Most of our players tend to prefer armies based around theme and idea, rather than the ideal optimum combo. We play, but its a lot of the source of discouragement with the game. On the other hand, the rules themselves have never been clearer themselves, though there is still a very complex web of what-if scenarios to follow.

Bolt Action is hampered more on availability of models – I have a decent enough force of German and British but currently have no intention of pulling together any other factions. Our group has shown some interest, but each have their own preferences for factions, but limited interest (so far) in collecting.

Mordheim seems to be where a lot of the interest lays these days – the group has several well painted warbands and players are eager to engage in battles. The challenge in this one is really more on the video side – Mordheim is a much more complex game for me to record and edit into a viable report due to the turn order and phases. We haven’t played enough for me to really sort that out, but it is improving.

We do have 2 Mordheim battles currently in editing (delayed a bit due to my son’s recent birthday efforts), and I am working to create more of the other games. In the meantime, I continue to add game aids and tools to our shop options, and paint miniatures and terrain as time permits.

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