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Wargaming Schedule
We have been having challenges with our wargaming schedule, with challenges finding time to play. As a result, our Legion and Bolt Action content has suffered a bit. Mordheim seems to be much of the focus currently, and I finally have a format that I have settled on, which should make the content a bit more consistent.
Tomorrow, we have another Mordheim battle report being posted, a battle between the Carnival of Chaos and the Bretonnians. It is a short battle – the mission was a Breakthrough – which obviously the mounted Bretonnian knights had a solid advantage. I have a couple pictures to finish up this evening, before rendering the video and posting.
This coming Sunday, we have another round of Mordheim scheduled, with the Skaven returning to earn more funds, taking on whomever is available (perhaps my Orcs will participate).
Next week we do have a Legion game scheduled for Friday, with the Rebels taking on the Republic in a show case for the new ARF Trooper unit. I am picking up the expansion this weekend, with a goal of painting by early next week, so they are ready for the field.
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