Author: Halfling13

  • Star Wars Legion – Empire Range Troopers

    Star Wars Legion – Empire Range Troopers

    New unit deployment, acquired and painted on schedule. The Imperial Range Troopers enter the field with long-range firepower and armored defense. I was concerned on the timing for the build and painting, but the Range Troopers ended up being pretty straightforward – they are really only two primary colors, plus some additional adjusments, as listed…

  • New Star Wars Legion units

    New Star Wars Legion units

    As planned, I picked up a set of each of the new Star Wars Legion units, the Republic Clone Commandos and the Imperial Range Troopers. Typical to the packaging, they come as unassembled models, requiring glue, primary, paint and time. In an effort to fight my backlog, my goal recently has been to acquire, build,…

  • Second Viewport

    Second Viewport

    The second episode of my new Viewport series (part of #TabletopTube) is posted now, and I am rather enjoying this series. I can certainly see the attraction for many youtubers as far as content – the production cycle is far faster/easier than much of the other formats. I collect notes and comments thru the week,…

  • Legion double-feature

    Legion double-feature

    After a bit of a pause due to scheduling conflicts and illnesses, we are back with multiple Star Wars Legion episodes. Although there is no new release this week, we recorded Battle Report 079 on Wednesday, and episode 080 will be this evening. Once processed, that should set us up well to hopefully get back…

  • Tabletop Tube – a Viewport

    Tabletop Tube – a Viewport

    Working on expanding the channel material with what the wife has dubbed “tabletop tube”, but in my mind is really just a video blog. Ideally, it is a lively conversation about our activities, both past, present and future, and perhaps some advice and stories. More than likely, I suspect it will be a ramble, at…

  • T-47 Airspeeder

    T-47 Airspeeder

    Second of my most recent projects is finally painting the T-47 airspeeder, something that has been basic grey since I first started with Legion. This was painted in Army Painter Spaceship Grey, with Citadel Black Templar contrast on the rear end and any mechanicals, as well as the windows to blacken them out. Using some…

  • LAAT/LE Patrol craft

    LAAT/LE Patrol craft

    Another couple of large projects, painted and finished up for Star Wars: Legion. First one is one that has been sitting for a while, the LAAT/LE Patrol craft. Painted in Army Painter Spaceship Grey, and a layer of Citadel Black Templar contrast on the wings. The entire vessel was given a rough wash of my…

  • Kingmaker campaign

    Kingmaker campaign

    Since we wrapped up the Extinction Curse and the Carrion Crown campaigns, our group has been eager to know what the next story is. At this point, I am looking to run the full Kingmaker campaign as the next major adventure. This is one that we attempted a long time ago, but only ran the…