Author: Halfling13

  • Discord Participation

    Discord Participation

    While reviewing the recent Patreon adjustments, I realized that we probably have been overly restrictive on our Discord server. This is intended as an open forum for gaming related discussions, and visibility at the schedules and behind the scenes activities. There have always been a few links available for open invitations, but none really openly…

  • Website changes

    Website changes

    Related to the ongoing website changes, I have made a few fundamental changes to the website itself. Over the last many years, while this site has operated, I have only had myself as a registered member, which is fine, there really isn’t much benefit to anyone to actually register. However, I have had several hundred…

  • Patreon updates

    Patreon updates

    Making a change on my postings to Patreon, to take advantage of some new features. Specifically, I am going to start posting our video previews as Video links rather than Text articles. In the past, I would create the post, then provide a link to the unlisted YouTube video, with a screenshot from the video.…

  • YouTube Push

    YouTube Push

    Over the last couple of years, our YouTube presence has steadily grown, and our various social media platforms have received some traction. As always, growth is good, and I am very much appreciative of all of our audience. However, over the last month or two, the slope has decreased, and we seem to have stalled…

  • More Cosmetics

    More Cosmetics

    Another round of cosmetic changes to the site, I was still not satified with the prior layout. This is now using the standard “2024” template that comes with WordPress, and my ability to learn/adapt to the new Block-styling format is improving. If you notice anything that looks strange, let me know, it might be stable…

  • Geonosians


    Last Friday, the new Geonosian expansions for Star Wars Legion were released, and as a challenge, the family inspired me to acquire and paint the figures before the end of the weekend. Challenge accepted, the painting wasn’t really that difficult, though I admittedly cut several corners. The harder part was assembly, the models are multiple…

  • New content arriving tomorrow

    New content arriving tomorrow

    A lot of new content publishing to YouTube tomorrow, with the first part of our Legion tournament finale (Empire vs Rebels). This ended up being a 3v3 1800 point mega-battle, so we are breaking it into multiple sessions due to the length. Rounds 1 and 2 will be available tomorrow. New sessions of both Warhammer…

  • New Carrion Crown

    New Carrion Crown

    We resume our Carrion Crown Pathfinder 2e Campaign this week, with the group continuing on their collision course with the Whispering Way. They are currently struggling their way thru the ruins and catacombs of Renfield Cathedral, facing a deadline of undead, while struggling with dwindling resources (and party members). Current schedule looks to be 5…