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Author: Halfling13
Carrion Crown continues
This Friday will be a new episode of the Carrion Crown Pathfinder 2e campaign, recorded this last Sunday. With various scheduling conflicts over the last month, the campaign (and Extinction Curse) has been on pause, so it was nice to resume the story. Unfortunately we had lost a lot of the momentum, which showed in…
The Enemy Within ep 3.38
One campaign that continues to be going strong is our Warhammer Fantasy/Rolemaster mashup, playing (loosely) the Enemy Within campaign. This storyline has been going on now for nearly 3 years (with a 1-year break in the middle) and is very popular with the players involved. Despite schedules, we are able to routinely get together and…
Star Wars – Shatterpoint
A view behind the scenes, as I work to assemble the mountain of plastic that is the Star Wars Shatterpoint starter set. I opted to pick this game up on release day, and have been working on it off and on since. Within a few weeks, I hope to have everything assembled and painted, and…
Legion Mega-battle
On Friday of last week, we managed to record our planned oversized Star Wars Legion battle report – two armies of 800 points each, on two different sides, for a total of 3200 points of figures. The battle results were impressive, both sides fought hard and long for victory. Without any spoilers, the victory was…
Legion Episode 043
The next of our ongoing Legion battles – this time sees my return to my Separatist army, with Count Dooku and Cad Bane leading the forces. I am playing against the Empire, running General Veers and Commander Krennic, and four full squads of Death Troopers. Mission selection is Intercept the Transmissions, in a Long March…
Patreon free trial
Patreon has just released the option for a free trial membership. Not sure how motivational that would be, but I have enabled it for a couple of our tiers. Ultimately, it is really just showing support for the channel, group and content, but you can view our videos early for a bit. This also would…
RPG Content growth
Although we have had a bit of disruption in our RPG content over the month of May, mainly due to multiple scheduling conflicts, the channel continues to grow. Definitely not fast, never really expected it to, but slow and steady. Looking back at our older videos, even from early this year or last year, we…
Thumbnail format
In my constant effort to improve and change, I am working on revising the Legion battle report thumbnails again. I had watched a video which claimed that less text is better, and started thinking that my current format is rather busy and jumbled. After polling briefly our Discord group, settled on an easier format, with…