Author: Halfling13

  • Mordheim Battle Report

    Mordheim Battle Report

    It isn’t a Star Wars Legion or Bolt Action report, but it is a battle report – fresh from the ruins of Mordheim. The Carnival of Chaos takes on the Skaven swarm in a Skirmish battle. Both sides fought hard, with quite a few casualties on both sides, before victory was determined. Mordheim is nice…

  • Mastodon removal

    Mastodon removal

    In a recent posting, I mentioned that my self-hosted Mastodon site was offline again, following yet another attempted (and failed) upgrade. This software has proven to be very challenging to keep stable and operational. Once it is running, it is great. But every time I have tried to update it due to patches or security…

  • Wargame content update

    Wargame content update

    Regular followers may have noticed a significant drop off in the amount of wargaming content I have been posting, especially in the Legion arena. This is not due to a lack of interest – I have lots of models, terrain, and motivation. Unfortunately however, all these games require at least one other player, and availability…

  • The Enemy Within 5.43

    The Enemy Within 5.43

    Our group continues the battle against the mountain trolls late at night on the cliffs, with some unexpected results. Tending their injuries, they move on, eventually reaching the isolated prison of Hope’s Square. With a bit of acting and diplomacy, the guards provide shelter, warmth, and some supplies, while the group grows curious about the…

  • Mastodon updates

    Mastodon updates

    Not that it will affect many, but my Halfling13 node for Mastodon is offline again. I attempted the recent update, and as seems to be common, it borked the installation. Working on fixing it, but at least this time I created a full and solid backup of critical files. In the meantime, the background OS…

  • The Enemy Within (Warhammer FRP) 5.42

    The Enemy Within (Warhammer FRP) 5.42

    Our group, fresh from the defeat of the gryphon, returns to Gladbeich to rest and recover. Gaining the thanks of the village, they hear of recent news and rumors related to their destination, as long as the path required. A reward is granted to the Wolfkin for his bravery, and the group travels to the…

  • Kingmaker 3.06

    Kingmaker 3.06

    Our group continues the fight in the ancient barrow, seeking to reclaim the flaming sword for their use against the new Troll threat. Meanwhile, events at their capital continue to escalate, though the city starts to grow (and we continue to try to understand and adapt to the Kingdom mechanics). Much of the eastern lands…

  • Dog Tags update

    Dog Tags update

    Managed to cut and clean up a bunch of the acrylic, and then start to assemble the various components. Overall, I am happy with the look and format. However, there is notable flaws in the laser engraving of the acrylic – I suspect my settings are too hot for both engraving and cutting. Quite a…