Author: Halfling13

  • STL Library

    Haven’t posted in a bit, mainly due to lots of distractions. If you have been following the YouTube channel, I have been posting some content over there a bit more frequently as it applies to the videos. I am happy to say the channel continues to grow, though that isn’t the focus of this post.…

  • Channel Milestone

    We have reached another new milestone with the YouTube channel as we continue to add followers. With our recent focus on Star Wars Legion (and some RPG content), the subcriber count is growing steadily. As of today, we have hit 200 subscribers! My thanks to everyone who tunes in to see our adventures, and our…

  • Updates

    Seems I haven’t posted to the website in a few weeks, mainly due to scheduling conflicts, heavy workload, US holidays, etc. And more than a little impact is the more recent use of YouTube communities, and trying to reinforce our Patreon site. It feels repetitive to post similar topics to all such sites, and it…

  • Star Wars Legion Speederbikes

    Some of the oldest figures I have had for the game (they came with the initial starter box) is the unit of Speederbikes. After all this time, I managed to finally give them a proper coat of paint, without covering the transparent post. Paint method is very similar to my scout trooper process (Apothecary White,…

  • Legion Painting, Part 2

    A second set of painted figured, working quickly thru my Empire backlog. First up is the Emperor and his Royal Guard. Nice and simple, only two or three colors and nothing fancy. Flesh-tearer Red and Black Templar for the Guard, and Black Templar, Wyldwood, and Plaguebearer Flesh for the Emperor. Also managed to finish up…

  • Legion painting

    Been doing a bit of painting recently, trying out a few new techniques, and managed to finish up a number of Empire units. First and most importantly is finally painting Darth Vader. Especially for how simple the color scheme is, I really should have done this one much earlier. Primary color is just a basic…

  • YouTube Community Tab

    A recent addition to the YouTube channel has been the Community tab, which is rapidly becoming fairly useful. Although the options are fairly limited, it is nice to be able to directly tie into the subscribers and reference the various content items I publish. In particular, it is very useful for basic voting polls. And…

  • Twitter

    Effective last Friday, I have disabled by Twitter integration and disabled the overall accounts. In truth, Twitter has just not really ever been much of a thing for me. The site account has a sum-total of 10 followers, most of which are organizations not related to my subject matter, and i have never had any…