Author: Halfling13

  • Travel

    Not much to say today, except that I did manage to reach the 100-subscriber mark on Sunday. Since then, the number of followers has continued to grow, which is great and welcome. I enjoy all the feedback being posted on the videos and have corrected a few rules interpretations that we are doing wrong. More…

  • Legion – Republic vs Rebels

    Episode 6 of our ongoing Star Wars: Legion Battle reports should now be posted and live on YouTube. This is a Breakthru battle between Republic and Rebel forces, set during Limited Visibility, and using Long March deployment. George was our Republic player, using a slightly adjusted Rex force focused on rapid deployment. His units managed…

  • Subscriber update

    The slow march of subscriber growth continues on, and I am happy to say that due to our recent Legion content, the channel is starting to grow more rapidly. On average, we have added 1-2 followers per day, which isn’t quite viral, but certainly very encouraging. We are even rapidly approaching my first personal milestone,…

  • Giant Centipedes

    After a short break, we had another session of the Carrion Crown campaign, with the group continuing thru the Shudderwood. As partially expected, the group was highly resistant to the concept of running when faced with overwhelming odds, so stalled out a bit with a horde of werewolves in the forest. As a result, more…

  • Legion – Empire vs Rebels

    Episode 5 of the Legion battle reports should be live now, recorded in 4k. The audio problems from the prior session are gone (I remembered to use battery). The battle itself was relatively fast and decisive – it was fairly clear after about turn 3 where the victory was going. But it was a fun…

  • Carrion Crown

    This weekend is our next session of the Carrion Crown, with the group recently level’ed to level 7. The group has mostly resolved the issues faced at Ascanor Lodge and are now taking on the next stage of their journeys into the Shudderwood. As usual, the game will be streamed live, and we welcome any…

  • Hoth Ice Fields

    The new Legion terrain is hopefully finished, and ready to go – I set up a starting play field for the current picture. As designed, the tiles can be rotated four different directions, and generally speaking, continue to line up. The boards are currently supported over our regular gaming setup on a set of fence…

  • OBS Studio and Discord

    For quite some time now, I have been streaming and recording our sessions and activities with OBS Studio. It makes it very easy to consolidate and pre-configure a great many things, and it is very compatible with my Zoom H6 audio recorder I use to capture all the audio. However, sometimes it is necessary to…